<BGSOUND SRC="sinema.mp3"
Problem is this is only supported by Microsoft.
This is how the backround sound is being done
on this web page.
LOOP=n is the number of times the sound will be played.
Left off it plays 1 time.
Use LOOP=INFINITE to play forever.
<EMBED SRC="sinema.mp3"
This page uses this technique.
It gives you a little ICON that you can
use to control the sound.
Stop, start, volume, and drag the location of play,
that type of stuff.
LOOP=TRUE - play it forever, LOOP=FALSE - play it once, LOOP=n - play it n times.
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH"
This page uses this technique.
It is the web page your currently looking at.
It is kind of annoying because it does not display the
web page. Instead it just plays the sound with
a blank background.
Also your supposed to put <META> tags between
the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.