Septon Locksmith Supplies

Some nice locksmithing tools from Septon

Septon Inc.
119 Lakeville Rd
New Hyde Park, NY

(516)706-3816 fax

They also go by the name

North American Lock Inc.
119 Lakeville Rd
New Hyde Park, NY

(516)706-3816 fax

Some of my favorites are:

Number Title Price
EMER6 Emerency Pick set
Folds into comb for shirt pocket
JKP5 Jackknife pick set $18.65
JP01 Jackknife pouch $7.57
MPSA20 Padlock shim pick sets $24.15
026 Plug spinner $25.25
WKS Warded padlocks pick set $9.89
EZ-1 Easy pick mechanical gun $18.65
LPG-1 Lockaid tool gun $49.45
EPG-1 HPC Electro Pick $160.55
SD-7 Sesame padlock decoding tool
Opens brass 4 wheel combination locks
Here is how it works


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