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ASU Sun Devils saw red on A Mountain

U of A Wildcats paint A on Sun Devil A Mountain red

As I was going thue Tempe this morning I noticed the RED A and suspected that it had been repainted by the folks from the U of A!


ASU Sun Devils saw red on A Mountain

by Tara Alatorre - Nov. 24, 2009 12:55 PM

The Arizona Republic

The University of Arizona Wildcats painted A Mountain's A in Tempe red early Tuesday as the Territorial Cup game nears between them and Arizona State University's Sun Devils, an ASU spokeswoman said.

The Territorial Cup is considered one of the biggest games of the year for college football in Arizona.

The big game is on Saturday at the Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe.

The A is usually gold to represent the colors of ASU. Students traditionally spend the night on the mountain guarding the gold A from University of Arizona students during the week leading up to the big game.

Although ASU students spent the night on the mountain, the 60-foot A was red Tuesday morning. But by 8:30 a.m. the student alumni association had painted the A gold again, said Sharon Keeler, the spokeswoman for ASU.


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