"State Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, will host a pro-Obama rally" - In the past Kyrstin Sinema was always on the anti-war side. Now Kyrsten Sinema is supporting war monger President Barack Obama! I guess Kyrsten Sinema is a hypocrite who will take money from anybody who supports her socialist policies.
August 17, 2009 White House backs off health plan Public insurance may be sacrificed to reach a deal by Ken Alltucker - Aug. 17, 2009 12:00 AM The Arizona Republic The Obama administration hinted Sunday that it may back away from its plan to create a government-run health-insurance program that would compete with private insurance companies. The so-called public option has been a key part of President Barack Obama's plan to overhaul the nation's health-care system and provide coverage to the nearly 50 million Americans who do not have health insurance. But it also has become the prime target for Republicans, private insurance companies and other opponents who consider it to be one of the most overreaching aspects of health-care reform. Local groups planning to protest Obama's health-care plan when he speaks today before the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention said dropping the public option would be a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, they will show up in downtown Phoenix to criticize national health-care reform. "People will still turn out in large numbers . . . because they are concerned about Washington dictating their health-care options," said Tom Jenney, president of the Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity, which is helping to organize one protest downtown. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Sunday that a government alternative to private insurance is "not the essential element" of the administration's plan. The White House would be open to health-insurance cooperatives rather than a government-run program. While liberals are still pushing for a government-run program, a switch to cooperatives may help Obama gain support for a reform package in the Senate. Obama had favored a government-run plan to help cover the nation's uninsured, but he didn't include it as one of his three core principles of controlling rising costs, improving the quality of care, and ensuring choice and accessibility. The demonstrations planned today come on the heels of at-time raucous town halls held nationwide to debate the merits of competing health-reform proposals now making their way through Congress. State Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, will host a pro-Obama rally. Sinema, who serves on Obama's health-reform task force, will be joined by his grass-roots organization, Organizing for America. The rally aims to raise awareness about the need for health reform and debunk rumors about the president's plan, said Sara El-Amine, a state field director for Organizing for America. The Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity will join the national Tea Party movement, which protests higher taxes and government spending. Jenney said his group's main beef with Obama's plan has been government-run health insurance, which he said could become a bureaucratic nightmare that wastes tax dollars. Jenney said he will encourage rally participants to offer their own critique of Obama's health plan. "We'll just pass the bullhorn around to citizens who have something on their mind," he said. The Associated Press contributed to this article. |