My Stuff

Visit John Dillinger's Tucson Home

Visit 929 N Second Street, Tucson - John Dillenger got busted there!

Well it started with a fire in Hotel Congress where John Dillenger and his amigos were staying. The firemen helped them save their loot from the fire. But then the next day a fireman saw John Dillingers photo in a paper and they traced the guys to this address where they were busted.

Of course the Arizona Republic screwed up that address!!!!! 929 N Second Street does not exist in Tucson. That is because 2nd Street runs east and west.

If the address is NORTH, then it is 929 N Second Avenue. That is on 2nd Avenue between Speedway and University and a little bit west of the U of A.

If it is really on 2nd Street, then the address is either

929 E Second Street
which is on 2nd Street just West of the U of A (between Tyndall and Park Avenue )


929 W Second Street
which doesn't exist according to google maps!

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